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Keywords: Getting ready to work; Ice-breaker; Motivation
Objectives: Creating a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere.
Discarding tension and negative thoughts.
Target group: Any group but not people who have suffered from traumatic events.
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Methodology step-by-step: 1. Ask the participants to find a space in the room and stand there.
2. Tell them to close their eyes and concentrate on their breathing .
3. Tell them to imagine a gigantic balloon. They should them imagine filling it with all their problems, tensions and bad thoughts.
4. After 2 minutes tell them that the imaginary balloon is full of all their “negative baggage”. They should let the balloon float far away.
5. Invite the participants to open their eyes. The main workshop or training session may now begin.

NOTE: This exercise can be also done by separating issues or thoughts into different balloons. In the case of persons with visual disabilities, we recommend describing the balloon without mentioning colours.
Resources needed: – Large and well-ventilated room
Challenges: There is a risk of awakening past trauma. Do not use this activity with people who are known to have suffered trauma.