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Keywords: Communication; Taking Turns Speaking; Listening; Ice-breaker
Objectives: Experiencing what happens when everyone talks and no-one listens.
Introducing a topic in a fun, unusual way.
Target group: All groups. Suitable for all ages.
Duration: 15- 20 minutes
Methodology step-by-step: 1. Ask one participant to stand up and say something about their day.
Invite a second person to start doing the same, whilst the first person is still speaking.
2. Invite the third person to do the same, whilst the other two are still talking, and so on, until each participant is talking concurrently.
3. After about 30 seconds of everyone talking, clap. The participants must then be quiet.
4. Ask the participants about what their colleagues were saying. How much did they understand? Did they understand at all?

NOTE: this activity can also be used to introduce a topic. In this case, each participant must continually talk about the topic rather than about their day.
Resources needed: None
Challenges: None