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Keywords: Balance; Mindfulness; Relaxation; Harmony; Focus
Objectives: Ending a meeting or session peacefully and in harmony with colleagues.
Understanding the importance of inner peace.
Target group: Suitable for all kinds of groups, including children.
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Methodology step-by-step: 1. Ask the participants to find a place in the room where they are comfortable. They may sit, stand or lie down.
2. Darken the room if possible.
3. Tell the participants to close their eyes and take some deep breaths, allowing all their thoughts to pass by them, like clouds.
4. Ask them to perform a “body scan”, starting at their heads and moving all the way down to their toes. Speak slowly, clearly, and harmoniously naming the parts of the body.
5. Tell the participants to feel/perceive what each part of their body is saying to them, without judgment. Ask them to pick one of the thoughts – one that is negative or intense – and to allow this thought to come to the forefront.
6. Tell the participants to keep taking deep breaths while picturing warm, light colours and exhaling colder, sharper colours and allowing the bad thoughts to leave; to go.
Resources needed: Yoga mats
Challenges: Some people find it difficult to close their eyes or relax properly if there is no trust between the participants.