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Keywords: Language course; Ice-breaker; Confidence Boost
Objectives: Encouraging people to speak to each other.
Revising vocabulary.
Enabling people to talk who don’t like to talk about personal topics.
Target Group: All groups of people, especially as part of a language course. Suitable for all ages.
Duration: 15- 20 minutes
Methodology step-by-step: 1. Ask the participants to write answers to the following questions:
a) name a type of fruit
b) pick a number from 1-6
c) using the number you have chosen, write that number of vegetables
d) write a place you would not like to live
e) write your dream job
f) write a job you would not like to have

2. Once the participants have answered all the questions, tell them that the fruit they chose is their surname; the number and the names of the vegetables are the number of children they have and their names; you live in the place you wouldn’t like to live; your wife / husband has your dream job; the job you wouldn’t like is your job.
3. Ask the participants to walk around the room introducing themselves to the other participants using this information.
Resources needed: Paper
Challenges: None