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Keywords: Ice-breaker;
Objectives: Getting to know the other participants.
Stimulating a positive, calm and trusting environment before starting a workshop.
Target group: Groups of migrants, possibly divided into gender-specific groups. Suitable for all ages and genders.
Duration: 15 min
Methodology step-by- step: 1. Ask the participants to think about their favourite or most important body part or just something special they like about their look. They either write it down or draw it.
2. Put the participants into pairs and ask them to introduce themselves to each other by talking about their body part.
3. Ask each participant to introduce their partner.

NOTE: It is possible to use photos of different body parts or people with different looks and ask the participants to choose from them.
If someone is uncomfortable doing this exercise with someone of a different gender, do the activity in groups divided by gender.
Resources needed: A4 paper
Pencil crayons
Challenges: Be aware of participants who are uncomfortable with discussing their body parts.