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Keywords: Networking; Sharing Best Practice
Objectives: Exchanging expertise and experience.
Devising effective and innovative methods for all.
Target group: Groups with an even number of participants and a minimum of 6. It is suitable for all ages. The participants must have experience in the subject.
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Methodology step-by- step: 1. Ask the participants to choose one partner from the group.
2. Partners have 5 minutes to briefly introduce themselves and to exchange information and their experience about the specific topic. They need to talk about their personal experiences -no theory! Participants are asked to take notes.
3. After five minutes, sound an alarm and tell the participants to change partners and repeat the exercise.
4. Once all the participants have spoken to everyone, they have five minutes to write a memo of the most original and important points that emerged from the conversations.

NOTE: Emphasise the importance of adhering to the 5 minutes and that it means 2.5 minutes per person.
Resources needed: Paper
Post its
Challenges: This method does not involve any risk, however, people with less experience may feel somewhat intimidated by their more experienced colleagues.