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Keywords: Personal Boundaries; Respect; Saying “No”
Objectives: Acknowledging and respecting personal boundaries.
Being able to say ‘no’.
Respecting the personal space, taste and opinions of others and expressing our own.
Target group: Suitable for all kinds of groups, including children.
Duration: 15 minutes
Methodology step-by-step: 1. At the beginning of a workshop or training session about personal boundaries, leave the box of different-coloured nail polish in a visible place. Do not mention it or refer to it.
2. Carry out the workshop or training session, which includes a reflection on the importance of saying ‘no’ to something that makes you feel uncomfortable and how to listen to and accept the ‘no’ of others.
3. Explain to the participants that they are now going to carry out an exercise. Each person must choose and take one of the nail polishes from the box. It should be the one they like the most.
4. When each participant has a bottle in their hands, ask them to open it and paint the nails of the person on their right.

NOTE: The reactions will be immediate and spontaneous. Most people will refuse, using varied arguments.
Resources needed: A box containing approximately 25 bottles of different-coloured nail polish.
Challenges: Even though the participants should not actually paint each other’s nails, some participants may consider the exercise “invasive”