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Keywords: Expressing Opinions; Styles of Teaching and Moderating
Objectives: Learning about different styles of teaching and moderating and how to implement them.
Expressing opinions clearly and respectfully.
Listening to the opinions of others.
Target group: Groups of people involved in teaching and moderating.
Groups of people discussing a certain common theme.
Duration: 20-30 minutes
Methodology step-by-step: 1. Put several pictures showing different styles of teaching on the floor.
2. Ask the participants to look at the pictures and stand next to the picture they agree with or feel most comfortable with.
3. Each participant should explain why they have chosen that particular picture.
4. Explain that there is no right or wrong answer and that all the pictures show good ways of teaching.

NOTE: This method can be also used with written words instead of pictures.
The same method can be used with different topics. For example, if the topic is ‘What represents democracy?’ the given words can be FREE ELECTIONS, PEACE, FREEDOM, NO CORRUPTION
Resources needed: Pictures showing different teaching styles.
A large enough room for the number of participants to carry out the activity.
Challenges: Be aware of possible conflict when using this method with controversial topics.