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Keywords: Recycling; Separating Rubbish
Objectives: Learning about different types of waste.
Learning how separate rubbish and where to recycle it.
Understanding why recycling is important.
Preserving the environment.
Target group: Migrant communities. Suitable for all ages. People with a basic to advanced level of language.
Duration: 60 minutes
Methodology step-by- step: 1. Ask the participants if they know how to properly separate rubbish. Adjust the workshop depending on their answers.
2. Present how to properly separate rubbish. This can be done with the help of a Powerpoint presentation and handouts containing the relevant information.
3. Show the different examples of actual rubbish. Show the different bins and explain which type of rubbish should be placed in each.
4. Place the rubbish on the floor and the participants must separate it correctly.
5. Once the rubbish has been correctly separated, they must be place it in the correct bin.

NOTE: Instead of actual rubbish, it is possible to use pictures of rubbish. It is possible to used coloured paper instead of bins, and the participants place the rubbish next to the appropriate piece of coloured paper.
Resources needed: Powerpoint presentation
Actual rubbish or pictures of rubbish
Different boxes to serve as recycling bins or coloured paper
Challenges: Ensure that the participants understand the language used. If their language skills are weak, it will be necessary to the write the handouts in their language as well.