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Keywords: Reflection; Values
Objectives: Self-reflection.
Sharing ideas and experiences.
Enabling good communication between participants.
Target group: Groups of up to 10 people who are willing to share their ideas and experiences, especially groups of migrants.
Duration: 60 minutes
Methodology step-by- step: 1. Ask the participants to sit in a circle. Place a large piece of paper in the middle of the circle.
2. Give the participants 2/3 post-its. They have 15 minutes to reflect upon the moral and practical values that guide their actions and decisions. They should write one on each of the post-its and stick it onto the paper in the middle of the circle.
3. After the 15 minutes, ask the participants to share and explain with the rest of the group what they have written – Why those values? How do they relate to their experience? How do they put them into practice? It is also possible to talk about another value written by another member of the group.

NOTE: when using this activity with a group of migrants, the values they focus on may be those they wish to retain from their native culture.
Resources needed: Large piece of paper
Stopwatch or clock
Challenges: None